
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Here comes baby!

There's the newest Clouse! And yes, the little bean is quite tiny still. ;o) We had a dr. appt. yesterday and got to hear the beautiful heartbeat and see our newest addition. Even though I waited over 2 hours in the dr.'s office, it's always worth it to see and hear a baby. I love it and could never tire of it! The baby is measuring about 2 weeks further along right now, but the Dr. and I are keeping the dates the same since growth spurts happen. If the baby keeps growing this way we are due around May 10. I have a cyst in one of my ovaries that they are slightly concerned about (only because it is somewhat larger then what most women have) but won't get really worried unless it continues to grow rapidly. I also got medicine for the morning sickness which is helping so much! I have gained no weight so they are hoping this helps me to keep food down.
We are so excited. I remember having concerns (as all parents do) with Landon, but I feel so at peace about this new baby. Besides the throwing up I don't even feel pregnant, and the days are absolutely flying by. Amazing. We are so blessed!!!
I'll have my sister-in-law take a picture of me tomorrow so everyone can see my ity bitty baby belly. ;o)


About This Blog

I am a natural light, on-location photographer, serving Spokane, WA and the surrounding areas. Please visit my website to book a session! CLICK HERE

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